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Faith, Fashion & Ministry with Pst. Mrs. Oluseyi

Date Published


 Interviewer : Excellent morning ma

Interviewer : I would love to know a little about you ma, like a little introduction.

Mrs. Oluseyi: I am Mrs Oluseyi Omodolapo.  A homeschooling mum and business enthusiast.

Interviewer : Alright ma

Interviewer : That's beautiful.

Interviewer : How long have you been attending the youth church ma? And how would you describe your style?

Mrs. Oluseyi: 3 years still counting....

What do you mean by style?

Interviewer : Your styling, dressing, walking, just you, your style ma

Mrs. Oluseyi: Simple and chic 😘

Interviewer : Ouuhh

I love it

Interviewer : So ma, please what's your favourite colour and who inspires your dress style?

Mrs. Oluseyi: I do all lovely colors.  

Mrs. Oluseyi: My dressing is inspired by the Holy Spirit... 😀😀

 Interviewer : Which ones are you go to colours though?

I notice you on purple and it looks really nice on you ma

Interviewer : Okayy, no wonder it's extraordinary always 😊

Mrs. Oluseyi: Thank you

Mrs. Oluseyi: Thank you!

Interviewer : Great 🥰

 Interviewer : So the last one concerning fashion, 

How does your style fit into your lifestyle?

 Mrs. Oluseyi: Being a teacher,my simple dressing makes me comfortable 👍

Interviewer : Alright ma

Mrs. Oluseyi: Yeah 👍😎

Interviewer : Unto the next question ma.

Interviewer : Have you ever had any wardrobe malfunction in church?

Mrs. Oluseyi: I can really remember now actually but I have many.

Interviewer : Alright ma.

Interviewer : Who is your favourite gospel artist ma?

Mrs. Oluseyi: I don't have.

Mrs. Oluseyi: I listen to gospel songs that minister to me part time.

Interviewer : Alright ma,

So I have a few questions on dressing here

⇒When picking your outfit for church, is there anything that comes to your mind?

⇒As the head of the DOZ(Daughters of Zion) committee, what would be your advice or what would you like the female gender to know about dressing?

Mrs. Oluseyi: 1. We wear clothes to cover our nakedness 

2. Modesty 👍

Interviewer : Alright maa.

Mrs. Oluseyi: Yeah 👍

Interviewer : Thank you ma, I love love modesty too.

It gives The Queen's vibe

Mrs. Oluseyi: Yeah 👍😃😃 

That's a good one.

Thanks 👍

Interviewer : So, ma.

I understand that you are our mummy in church 😂 and you always telling us about modesty and you are a mum too, so I know it's a ministry God has given you.

So do you have any other ministry apart from these and how did you find out about them and how did you start ma?

Mrs. Oluseyi: Mummy wa bi ti boo 🤣🤣

As much as I like encouraging young ladies to dress well, owning to the fact that our dressing speaks volumes of us, I don't know if it's my ministry for now.

I am a love expert. 😊  I love "love" a lot. I encourage couples and intending couples to love to their fullest capacity.  Love and marriage counseling, I can call my ministry.

Interviewer : Alright ma

Interviewer : So I am guessing relationship is your ministry

Mrs. Oluseyi: I am into children ministry too.

Interviewer : Alright.

Children and relationships.

Mrs. Oluseyi: Yes. Simply put.

Interviewer : How did you find out about them ma?

And have you ever made any mistakes in this journey and how will you advice others coming after you not to repeat them ma?

 Mrs. Oluseyi: Through my walk with the holy Spirit.

I made mistakes trying to do somethings sometimes without being led and that  was not always palatable for me.

My advice to everyone is that, they should learn to hear the voice of the holy Spirit even when they know what they want to do. Because the holy Spirit gives direction with prescription. I don't know if this has answered your question.

Interviewer: Thank you so much for your time ma, we really appreciate it ma